15 January, 2008


Goodness! The internet at my current home, the Whanganui Quaker Settlement, is not the most reliable system ever, hence the lack of recent posts. I had to come into town for a beer to get reliable internet, but I'm making do. I've been having a great time so far, but very busy. Not only have we been doing lots of activities and exploring, but we've also had quite a bit of reading for our classes so far, so it's not exactly a vacation. The weather though, is perfect. Every day so far has been sunny and in the mid to high seventies, although I got a pretty nasty sunburn at the beach this weekend. On the upside of that though, I did get to spend all of Saturday afternoon playing in the Tasman Sea and making castles on the black sand beach.
Hopefully all is well stateside or wherever you may be. It's certainly lovely down here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is really great and all, but i can only read the same few blogs so many times. i wanted to remind you that your last post was jan 15, and it is now feb 3. step up your game, bradley. i love you! hahaha